A glossy magazine published 4 times a year, by the club between 1990 and 2004

Inter-Comm front page
Andorra la Vella – Rec de Sola- Country and Urban view Dec 2016

International Club Andorra Magazine

View on Casamany Nov. 2015 from Sispony

Inter-Comm originates from a quarterly magazine that used to be published by the Club. Between 1990 -2004, 60 Magazines were issued. The magazine died when local advertising support dried up and Club news was spread out through the internet, and using e-mails. Now it is a bank of interesting articles and notes on Andorra. Articles will be posted on this website via the home page. They will then be saved in the Inter-Comm category to the right of the page.

The first editors were Jacquie Crozier and Tony Hooper, they have done an excellent task for many years.

Inter-Comm nr 7 Autumn 1991
Inter-Comm Magazine Summer 1995

The Club depends on it’s Members, without input of Members the Club wound not have reason to exist. Please join us, and become part of this active community.

We welcome contributions from all members.

If you need help with scanning and/or layout we will be happy to help.

Contact:  Jan – i.club(at)andorra.ad