Editor: John Pinnell
The News Monthly is a selection from the main items in the local press in Andorra,information of general interest and Club news.
Translated into English by courtesy of John Pinnell.
The Newsletter will be sent to Members by e-mail only – a very good reason to become a Club Member.
Club News for inclusion in the News Monthly should please be e-mailed to:
Editor: JohnPinnell –
(before the last Wednesday of the Month)
It would be appreciated if any factual errors could be brought to the attention of the editor.
Please note that any opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the I.C.A. Board.
‘Copyright ©1989-2021. Club Internacional d’Andorra. Reproduction by any means, or the use of any particular wording, whether in part or in full, for commercial or any other purpose, is strictly prohibited, without the express prior permission in writing of Club Internacional d’Andorra.
The sponsor’s logo is a registered Trademark and unauthorized use or reproduction of it will be prosecuted.
‘Club Internacional d’Andorra (The International Club of Andorra) is a subscription-based, non profit-making,
social club registered at the Registre d’Associacions d’Andorra Andorra Govern. This newsletter is purely for the information of,
and issued as an English-language service to, its members and/or those authorized in writing by the Club.
The Board and its officers act in a voluntary capacity and cannot be held personally liable for any error, omission, or opinion expressed, herein’.