There is so much to do in Andorra, indoors and outdoors and the Club has many different groups that bring like minded people together.
Active Groups include Social Bridge, the 4×4 Explorers, Motor Club, Social Tennis, Adventure & Ski Group, Computers (Linux), Android, Economist group, Breakfast Language meetings, Gardening, Patchwork, Cricket team, cycling and Scrabble. Since the 90s we have had an active theatre group, performing a music hall performance and other plays on stage. so far 5 pantomimes have been performed, all great success.
The Club would like to receive (informal) proposals from members for any new group that they would like to help organize. Experience shows that groups are started and flourish under active leadership and then either continue or wilt if the original sponsors lose interest (or ability to continue) and fail to find successors. We can have as many activity groups as there are active members to start them and keep them running!
Dahlia’s Garden Project 2019 . Simon Binstead is setting a new garden for his dahlia’s collection. behind the Club house in Aldosa.
We also organise many ad-hoc activities like wine tasting, treasure hunts and go-karting. If you have an interest, please share it as we are sure there are many others that would want to join in too.
Please come forward if you are interested in starting a new group for instance Films Fans, playing darts, shooting, horse riding, flying, sailing or collecting stamps. In the Club you might find similar minded people, so start your group.
For questions or suggestions please contact any Board member, send an e-mail to iclubandorra(at) or go on Facebook: International-Club-of-Andorra
“The existence of any Club depends on the active contributions of their Members.”
Quote by Kirsten Walker, founder of the Club in 1988.