Home > Club Activity Groups > E.Mountain.Biking


The e-mountain biking group was created informally in summer of 2022 and has been functioning unofficially as a « pilot » with a very limited number of participants.

With 20 persons part of the WhatsApp group created to coordinate activities, it is clear that the activity is taking momentum. Eight group rides have been organised to date confirming that e-biking has the potential to interest ICA members.

Based on the above we believe that it is now time to make official ICA e-mountain biking as part of the panel of activities proposed by ICA .

Here is a short summary of how we envision this activity:

Organise group rides in Andorra and Alt Urgell for different levels of practice: beginners, intermediate and advanced riders.

Open to ICA members (with current membership) with access to an electric mountain bike, owned or rented.

Leadership & coordination process:
A Whatsapp group is already configured and used to communicate and coordinate activities.

Activities will be coordinated by 3 leaders selected among the most experienced riders. At least one leader will be present for every proposed group ride.

The difficulty level and experience/skills requirements will be systematically announced when proposing a group ride

Safety / Health:
All proposed itineraries will be scouted in advance by at least one of the 3 leaders to determine difficulty level (distance, elevation, terrain) and key information will be communicated to participants beforehand together with the GPS trace of the planned ride.

One of the group ride leaders must be first-aid trained and carry a first aid kit. He or she will know how to contact search and rescue services in the area where the ride is taking place.

Participants will ensure their bike is in optimal condition. They will carry a basic repair kit for their own bike: spare tube or tire sealant, air pump, basic tools.

Participants shall wear a helmet and suitable riding gloves. The use of knee and elbow protection is encouraged.

Participants will make sure they have enough drinking water and food for the planned ride.


Franck: franckalary@andorra.ad
Xavier: verxav@gmail.com
Yves: yvonjanin@yahoo.fr